#Heisenbeans Genetics


Where did you hear this? As of the last time I talked to him he’s still finishing his contract with Gu which is for close to another 5 years. Gu just officially opened his hemp growing greenhouses in FL but, from what I understand, H will still be breeding for Greenpoint until his contract is up.
My mistake then. Thought up above they were saying that GU was taking back control or whatever that refers too. It was the first I heard of it


Dont Need One
Karma is a bitch.
Stay classy H
Fuck off clown

Anyway to answer the questions gu sent out a stupid ass email saying I was going behind his back selling seeds. We'll if everyone remembers I did it right here out in plain ass sight because I had no exclusive contracts at the time. I was a subcontractor and still am. He sells seeds I make to the public on consignment that's it. Due to his own insecurities and whatever other power trip bullshit he's on for that particular day he can be moody as shit. All the seeds he has are still mine. I cannot sell seeds to anyone else per our contract . The day he officially fucks me will be the day everyone will know cause you'll see me selling seeds so cheap you'll think there free.