Fruit and vegetable gardens 2024


Insanely Active Member
For clarification my fenced in space there is only 20' x 24', and there's a giant boulder with an area around it hard to use for roots and stuff. I have bell peppers planted around the rock but that's about it for that corner.

You don't need lots of room. But you have to want that space to be just for plants and plan on lots of pruning and securing of stuff.
@H.A.F. i think i would, drill holes BOB and get the expanding foam,and make pathway stone !that would help the plant footage.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
@H.A.F. i think i would, drill holes BOB and get the expanding foam,and make pathway stone !that would help the plant footage.
Nah, my pathways being cardboard means the worms are congregating there. If I add a rock that's a target for the chipmunks to dig to. I hate putting the mesh in the ground but I haven't lost a plant yet. And I got stainless stuff so I can re-use it next year if the roots break up easy. No galvanizing or rust.


Nice spread for an early start, me I'm sleeping in!
Never thought about starting veggies indoors, guess I've never had the room.
Got a little GH but still don't start until March April, my micro climate is cool and damp.
Looks like the Lady bug is waiting for its tanning session!!
Hello everyone I'm new to this forum I recently saw Heisenbeans YouTube channel and I have been buying Greenpoint seeds also.I love growing anything but cannabis is definitely my
Nice to meet y'all and you guys have a nice group here!IMG_20240521_205818_005.jpg

Fiddler's Green

Just a regular vato
Pumpkins are popping. I'll be crimping the rye in a week or so.

Plugged carrots in egg cartons under the mulch separated by shallots

Got half the bulb onions in.

Tonight will be the coldest night for the extended forecast so I think it'll be safe for the peppers and tobacco to go in.

Ordered some Ozark Beauty and Jewel strawberries from Stark Bros and mulched to get my beds on @treefarmercharlie level.

I was going to do more but then I got high


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I was going to do more but then I got high
:unsure: B.T.D.T.G.A.T.
(been there, done that, got a t-shirt)

I planted two raspberry and strung up 30 tomatoes this afternoon. I get 2-3 good hours of work in the garden, then a lot of wandering around and doing other shit. I still have 2 blueberries to plant and I have no clue where. I have a flat with a dozen or so peppers and a few extra tomatoes.

The peppers I have left are mostly the 'ornamental' or small size plants and mostly hots. I think I'll be dumping out the potato experiments to see what I got, then use those pots after I fix the soil. I hand mowed everything with electric clippers but I need to mulch, then it's easier to see what I planted where. I'll get pics tomorrow.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Yesterday it was too wet to plant anything so I was running around with a chainsaw taking down unwanted saplings and getting a tub of wood chips out of it.

Day before that it was mowing for mulch and so the damn grass didn't go to seed before the clover.

Gotta keep the property looking like a lazy stoner doesn't live here. ;)


Went out to the garden nice and early this morning. I weeded all the beds and fluffed up the top layer of soil. The romaine starters I got were all rotting at the base so I ripped them out and will get more. To give us a head start while the romaine sprouts I started from seed get established. Some of my cucumber seeds didn’t germinate so I need to decide if I want to plant more seeds in those spots or just pick up a couple of started to fill the voids. The bed that looks bare has a ton of carrot and bean sprouts in it but they are still tiny.







a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Been raining so my stoned ass wasn't climbing on the roof.
This area has most of my stuff. The pots upfront are where I want to put the rest of the peppers. I'll buy a sack of idaho spuds and call it good.
I have a row of peppers along that fence, then 6 tomatoes per rack up front, 8/rack on the back two but the very back 4 are empty. for now.
This side has the boulder... 4 peppers in the front. then another 6-tomato rack.
This is the basic set-up and it worked well so far. bush beans in the middle are just setting flowers, and should fruit up before the tomatoes shade them out. After that first flush then whatever happens happens. Volunteer lemon balm popped up in a good spot by that leg so I kept it. I staggered them so they weren't right across from each other to give each one a little more root room.
This was the best I could do with the boulder, there was no intentional design, just planted around that stand of horehound at the front right. The celery is going to flower but it's at the edge of where tree roots take over so if it thrives there that's my celery spot. The short ones on the left have no roots left from Chipmunks tunneling through. This might be cool when the peppers start turning - different color bells.
And this is the general tomato rig. I wrap the paracord around the stem getting a wrap or two in each internode, then a loose half-hitch at the bottom. When I get high winds and thunderstorms they are fine. Training is just wraping the new growth around the cord until it gets to the top. Mainly the cherry tomatoes keep going to form a canopy up top. last year I snipped every sucker to keep the main limb and it's tomatoes for space reasons. This year I am gonna try keeping some of them but pruning them after the first flower-set and not letting them be a whole new vine.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The only thing keeping me from expanding a little was the peach tree I cut down. I need to try and dig up the stumps (by the red shovel).
I won't be working that soil hard but it will make a [lace to put blueberries, I have a fig in the corner, and if there's some soft spots I can drop a pepper. I'll try beans along the fence where all the peas used to be. Some spots I can plant the beans in a good worked area but run the vines along the fence over shit soil.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
back to the crazy moths around here. This is a plume moth. The wings are real feathery when spread.


Insanely Active Member
Yesterday it was too wet to plant anything so I was running around with a chainsaw taking down unwanted saplings and getting a tub of wood chips out of it.

Day before that it was mowing for mulch and so the damn grass didn't go to seed before the clover.

Gotta keep the property looking like a lazy stoner doesn't live here. ;)
show me a lazy gardener !stoner or not , dirt work shows.


Insanely Active Member
The only thing keeping me from expanding a little was the peach tree I cut down. I need to try and dig up the stumps (by the red shovel).
I won't be working that soil hard but it will make a [lace to put blueberries, I have a fig in the corner, and if there's some soft spots I can drop a pepper. I'll try beans along the fence where all the peas used to be. Some spots I can plant the beans in a good worked area but run the vines along the fence over shit soil.
View attachment 137498
yep, dirt work shows


Insanely Active Member
The only thing keeping me from expanding a little was the peach tree I cut down. I need to try and dig up the stumps (by the red shovel).
I won't be working that soil hard but it will make a [lace to put blueberries, I have a fig in the corner, and if there's some soft spots I can drop a pepper. I'll try beans along the fence where all the peas used to be. Some spots I can plant the beans in a good worked area but run the vines along the fence over shit soil.
View attachment 137498
bird 's eye view,