Electroculture... Share your story. DOES it work?


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
You're gonna have silly people with milliamp charts right next to their VPD charts trying to dial stuff in for the perfect weed while other say "fuck that" and garden. Looking for ways to use even more electricity in an indoor grow seems super special...

What's the benefit? More weight? Better flavor? More cannabinoids? Prove it with a side-by-side from clone and do a cost comparison as well.


You're gonna have silly people with milliamp charts right next to their VPD charts trying to dial stuff in for the perfect weed while other say "fuck that" and garden. Looking for ways to use even more electricity in an indoor grow seems super special...

What's the benefit? More weight? Better flavor? More cannabinoids? Prove it with a side-by-side from clone and do a cost comparison as well.
Yep best to just go by the KISS method.


Finally on a roll....


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
If you stick a nail in the soil for iron it won't do much, Stick it in a nutrient solution in water and it'll rust and be nothing in no time. Copper would have to decompose the same to some extent right? Is copper is a metal that can fail a heavy metals test for cannabis?


Finally on a roll....
If you stick a nail in the soil for iron it won't do much, Stick it in a nutrient solution in water and it'll rust and be nothing in no time. Copper would have to decompose the same to some extent right? Is copper is a metal that can fail a heavy metals test for cannabis?
Copper has metaphysical properties belived in different shades near as i can tell in other cultures. Ive never had my stuff tested professionaly just brofessionaly. Copper doesnt have a flakey or degradeing character that could fuck up a test (no cluE)...
This rabbit hole thus far has 60 saying oh cool with 0 follow up. Then the last 40 are split down the middle that attempted a control group. I use control group loosely. What ive gleaned so far.
1. Wrap coil around wood stick clockwise in northern hemisphere.
2. One guy says having a true ground is an absolute must.
3. Rod placed at south side of plant.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
1. Wrap coil around wood stick clockwise in northern hemisphere.
2. One guy says having a true ground is an absolute must.
3. Rod placed at south side of plant.
And none have done a side by side showing improved growth I'm guessing. It's just "all in" for adding wires and sticks...

You could also use a pyramid shaped tent because they have special powers and your plants will obviously grow better ;)


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
And I know copper doesn't flake off like iron, but submergedd in a nutrient (salt) solution could be vastly different at the microscopic level. They don't run bare copper wire across the ocean floor - it's got fat insulation.


Copper has metaphysical properties belived in different shades near as i can tell in other cultures. Ive never had my stuff tested professionaly just brofessionaly. Copper doesnt have a flakey or degradeing character that could fuck up a test (no cluE)...
This rabbit hole thus far has 60 saying oh cool with 0 follow up. Then the last 40 are split down the middle that attempted a control group. I use control group loosely. What ive gleaned so far.
1. Wrap coil around wood stick clockwise in northern hemisphere.
2. One guy says having a true ground is an absolute must.
3. Rod placed at south side of plant.
They were doing this kinda stuff back in the 1600's. Age of enlightenment era.
Our great great grandparents did things, handed down for generations,
that science is just now catching up with.

Once the chemical fertilizers hit the market,
those old ways, began disappearing over the last 100 years.
Some of us were still taught bits and pcs, that's about it.
You didn't know why, you were just told to do it that way.
Thank God for science.
cause now we know.
(some) lol


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I guess I am like the ultimte skeptic. Organic stuff especially like putting a bunch of junk in a cows horn and burying it facing east and you supposedly get this magical substance for compost - but what if it was fasing west? or south?

Just because you do somthing weird and the plants don't care or seem to improve is not necessarily progress - it's just keeping people busy.

IMHO, until you have a grow dialed in so it performs perfectly in all seasons experimentation like this means nothing. You could just be getting better at watering the plants right and that's the main difference. And every grow you have more experience so (unless you are plugged in to a nute recipe) it should improve. If you have a nute recipe and a great pH pen, then it should at least be consistent grow to grow.

I have had 3.5 years with the living soil, and only in the last two has it been on "cruise control" where I can consistently pull well finished plants every harvest. I think maybe now I could do side-by-side experiments and they might mean something - or not.


My great grandparents thought electricity in the house was a pretty cool new thing. So them using is in gardening is highly unlikely.
This is about using Earth's magnetic field to create a certain charge in the soil using ferrous and/or non ferrous metals to tune the charge/frequency.
Something like that.
It's good to be skeptical.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
This is about using Earth's magnetic field to create a certain charge in the soil using ferrous and/or non ferrous metals to tune the charge/frequency.
Something like that.
It's only been a little more than a century that we even had electricity as a staple in the American home.
The plant has been around way longer.
The Earth's magnetic field is gonna effect that plant wires or no.
For an annual plant that grows and dies quickly compared to a tree, the time for that to have an effect is limited.

Here's MY bro-sci take on all these hacks.

The plant loves to be loved.
All these things require paying extra attention to the plant.
Anything you do to the plant that requires your presence to be doing it puts you and the plant together.
Anything you do to the plant that does not harm it lets it continue to grow.
If it is not being harmed, tomorrow it'll be a little more mature than today.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
All of these hacks could simply be you adding your exhaled CO2 to the grow environment - and your electrical charge.