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a.k.a. Rusty Nails
They should. So they probably won't. It's 2020.
The states that would be sued are all blue states in debt, so they wouldn't actually get anything from a win anyway.

If Biden steals this, AND he tries to put through a nationwide ANYTHING, many state Governors will stand up for their citizens and simply cite the 10th Amendment. Government has no sayso over how many people you can have for Thanksgiving, or what you have to wear.

Then other states that remain under restrictions MAY start to question "why me?"

Testing numbers are feeding the foolish.


Just some asshole
The states that would be sued are all blue states in debt, so they wouldn't actually get anything from a win anyway.

If Biden steals this, AND he tries to put through a nationwide ANYTHING, many state Governors will stand up for their citizens and simply cite the 10th Amendment. Government has no sayso over how many people you can have for Thanksgiving, or what you have to wear.

Then other states that remain under restrictions MAY start to question "why me?"

Testing numbers are feeding the foolish.
I know you bought a turkey that feeds more than you can social distance in your house!


Just some asshole
Farmers out by us have a “wedding barn” business on their farm. They couldn’t open due to covid. About a month ago they got the property the wedding facility is on re surveyed into the section of farm it was divided off of. Now their covid occupancy is over 700k people. Work the system 😂


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
It's really simple, and the glitter example is brilliant. The tests that everyone is taking are showing that you have come in contact with the virus. You have it and didn't get sick! You are now immune, same as a flu shot.

For every positive test, without an associated death, the survival rate continues to go up.

The media does not want you to see the positive because they lose control for them and their bosses in the DNC/China.

When we had the H1N1, and the numbers got scary high, Obama just stoped the testing. Problem solved :unsure:


Just some asshole
It's really simple, and the glitter example is brilliant. The tests that everyone is taking are showing that you have come in contact with the virus. You have it and didn't get sick! You are now immune, same as a flu shot.

For every positive test, without an associated death, the survival rate continues to go up.

The media does not want you to see the positive because they lose control for them and their bosses in the DNC/China.

When we had the H1N1, and the numbers got scary high, Obama just stoped the testing. Problem solved :unsure:
That’s what my doctor told me. Tested positive long ago. Told me it looks like I’ve had it and beyond a certain point I can’t transmit it.

My entire immediate family has tested positive now. No one has been sick.

Friday’s training every deputy there has tested positive now. Only one got sick and he attributes it to him being a fatass


Just some asshole

Amos Otis
They are wanting the stores to make people wear a mask now. Sending random observers around checking. 1st offense is a warning. 2nd close the store for 24hrs. That is what is happening where my gf works. Told them yesterday.
Was in a grocery store last night. Signs at every entrance: "Face coverings required to enter."

At least half the customers I saw had no masks. At checkout, a maskless couple asked where some product was located. I asked the cashier/ass't mgr why nothing was said about mask requirements. He said, "We post the signs, but we're not in the confrontation business. Some of 'em are twice my size and just looking for trouble."


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Was in a grocery store last night. Signs at every entrance: "Face coverings required to enter."

At least half the customers I saw had no masks. At checkout, a maskless couple asked where some product was located. I asked the cashier/ass't mgr why nothing was said about mask requirements. He said, "We post the signs, but we're not in the confrontation business. Some of 'em are twice my size and just looking for trouble."
I can understand employees being made to wear masks - condition of employment. How many wear them properly?

Why haven't there been mass casualties of grocery-store baggers and checkers? They have been out there from day one wearing the chin-masks.

This has been around since march and has not gotten worse. Most of the deaths are from other causes and the Wuhan 'may' have been a factor. And the survivability rate is better than the regular flu now, and this one mainly kills old people that have breathing issues - except now we have cures. Don't even have that for the regular flu.

If I see you wearing a mask, I assume you are ill. That is what they are for - period.
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