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Deleted member 60

Gonna need one of those biovyzr shields here in Colorado to go buy buds at the dispensorry. Mandatory statewide mask order in place starting today for anyone over 10 in any/all public accessible spaces/businesses/entities/etc. Tourists included.

Enforcement? We'll see how that goes. Businesses can loose their license if they don't comply. Individuals can be charged with Trespass/Public nuisance/etc charges. And Safeway could easily lose a cart full of groceries today if they ignore it all as they did before and let folks in regardless.

Highland Rogue

Really Active Member
One more thing, my family would have been smart enough to get out of a lightening storm and take cover if need be. But when little Johnny from down the street coughed on them at the playground at school, there's not much they could have done then.
I skimmed an article published at the Lew Rockwell website yesterday that provides some insight into death probabilities etc.

The two paragraphs (below) are excerpts from the article and a good take away. Consider reading the entire article to see how the author arrived at his conclusion.

My conclusion is the Covidiot Panicdemic is real in the sense that it presents some concern for older people, but it's intentionally WAAAAAAAAAY over hyped for most people. Yes, WAAAAAAAAY over hyped and intentional.

Exposing Deception: Minimal Risk to the Healthy from COVID-19
By Vasko Kohlmayer

To see just how small these chances are in the context of real life, it will help to juxtapose this probability with the probability of death from other rare causes. Below are our one-year odds of dying from various mishaps:

An injury of any kind: 1 in 1,334 (75 out 100,000)
Accidental poisoning: 1 in 5,243 (19 out of 100,000)
A motor vehicle accident: 1 in 8,303 (12 out of 100,000)
Shot by a firearm: 1 in 23,439 (4 out of 100,000)
Struck by a motor vehicle while walking: 1 in 42,600 (2 out of 100,000)

What all this shows is that for healthy individuals under the age of sixty the SARS-CoV-2 virus poses no greater risk than from other relatively rare threats. The low risk demographics encompassed by this age boundary include school children, young adults, college students and most people of a productive age. For healthy children, young adults and college students the risk is so low as to be practically irrelevant. For healthy adults of productive age, the danger is below the average risk of death from the annual flu.


BE THE BALL's what the head scumbag has decreed. The liar-in-chief wants all hospital data to now bypass the CDC entirely and suggests the National Guard enforce data collection.
By his decree all covid info will go through him. I guess the going is getting tough if fearless leader is going to give us his version of reality.

Pretty Nazi like.........propaganda suits Trump. He's getting desperate.



Just some asshole's what the head scumbag has decreed. The liar-in-chief wants all hospital data to now bypass the CDC entirely and suggests the National Guard enforce data collection.
By his decree all covid info will go through him. I guess the going is getting tough if fearless leader is going to give us his version of reality.

Pretty Nazi like.........propaganda suits Trump. He's getting desperate.

About fucking time. The numbers make no fucking sense and the hospitals are making a god damn fund raiser out of it.

Im immune to it, I have antibodies, type o blood, Ive had it and had no reaction. Same with my wife. Got tested this morning. Long Q tip..


Super Active Member's what the head scumbag has decreed. The liar-in-chief wants all hospital data to now bypass the CDC entirely and suggests the National Guard enforce data collection.
By his decree all covid info will go through him. I guess the going is getting tough if fearless leader is going to give us his version of reality.

Pretty Nazi like.........propaganda suits Trump. He's getting desperate.

I pretty much question anything I hear on the news, but I think they get it right most of the time. On the other hand we will never know whats up with Covid again. Every idea, every theory, every discovery, infestation #s, death #s, virtually everything, will be twisted to help Trump's re-election chances. He needs locked up.


I pretty much question anything I hear on the news, but I think they get it right most of the time. On the other hand we will never know whats up with Covid again. Every idea, every theory, every discovery, infestation #s, death #s, virtually everything, will be twisted to help Trump's re-election chances. He needs locked up.
You think all the misinformation on the news about COVID is being pushed by Trump? Are you living in “Opposite World”? :ROFLMAO:
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