What is Mycorrhizae and what are its Benefits?


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What is Mycorrhizae and its Benefits? - Reefertilizer

What is Mycorrhizae?
Mycorrhiza refers to a mutually beneficial relationship that exists between various types of fungi and plants. What happens is that these fungi entrench themselves into the root systems of plants, fully colonizing them. While there, they boost the capacity of the plant to absorb water and minerals. In return, the plant will supply the symbiotic fungi with rich nutrients that come as a product of photosynthesis. These fungal organisms also provide the plant with increased defense from a wide range of pathogens that may be present in the soil.
The science community estimates that 9 out of 10 vascular plants that thrive on land survive because of this type of relationship. Furthermore, an examination of fossil records indicates that this relationship is one of the oldest ever detected and is what allowed even the earliest land plants to thrive in the harsh environment centuries ago.

Numerous studies have shown the benefits of mycorrhizae for plants used for land reclamation, landscape installations, home gardening, fruit and vegetable crops, and greenhouse crops

Reefertilizer start comparison
The plant on the right was treated with Reefertilizer Start which contains mycorrhizae and other nutrients.

This is the root system of a happy cannabis plant. Mycorrhizae help protect roots and increase nutrient uptake. (photo credit @the.wee.d)

Mycorrhizae works by expanding the area that your root system can utilize. The fungus grows along a plants roots and shoots out tiny hairs that will draw in even more moisture and nutrients. When the roots of your cannabis plant metabolize these nutrients, the byproduct will feed the fungus keeping both parties happy!

Benefits offered by mycorrhizal fungi to your cannabis plants

-Increased uptake of water and nutrients
Generally, the mycorrhizal fungi will increase the root surface area available to a plant. This allows the plant to take up more water and nutrients than would be possible without. The result is a healthy and vibrant plant that can supply essential compounds uniformly from the roots throughout the entire cannabis plant.

·Increased flowers and yield
Since your plants are maximizing their nutrient and water uptake, they will produce more flower per crop. Plants that are reaping the benefits of growing with mycorrhizal fungus will often grow larger!

·Higher rates of success when transplanting
If your cannabis crop is becoming too crowded for its planter, the solution is always to transplant. Moving a plant from one location to another needs to be done very carefully to enhance the chances of thriving. When that plant has been aided by the mycorrhizal relationships in the soil then its base will be much stronger and will have a higher chance of survival.

·Decreased stress levels
The benefits of mycorrhizae become very apparent when the plant is surviving under constant stress. When the stress brought about by drought increases, the plant becomes less dependent on itself and more dependent on the cultural support that these fungi bring. This explains why some plants are capable of surviving extreme weather conditions while others simply rollover. Even more importantly, mycorrhizal presence in plants surroundings has a direct impact on the levels of resistance to stress.

This image shows how mycorrhizae benefit roots for grass. (photo credit www.pennington.com)

Using Mycorrhizae in Your Cannabis Grow

When your soil lacks mycorrhizae, your cannabis plants will have a slower rate of growth, smaller yields and lower levels of resistance against common diseases and pathogens. So, If you’re not using mycorrhizae in your soil mix, you might want to think about adding some next time.

Adding Mycorrhizae to your Soil
Mix mycorrhizae product directly into your soil mix. This will distribute the fungus throughout your soil, working with new roots to collect more water and nutrients.

Applying Mycorrhizae to the Root Ball
Are you about to transplant your plant? This is a great time to apply some mycorrhizae directly to your plant’s root base. When you remove your cannabis plant from its planter, you will see the complicated root system that your plant has built. Sprinkle mycorrhizae product all over the root base.

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