Thanks Mom


New Member
So it has come to my realization that my fantastic mother in fact works for a lighting company that happens to have some industrial shit at rock bottom prices . Complete with accurate photometric charts ( which she can request if not provided to her satisfaction ) Yo these things are similarly priced to most of the shit on amazon .I asked her about some light on the internets and she needed a stiff drink instead of smacking me for looking at china lights over hers .So I gave my mommy my money .No clue what she placed an order on .She advised me to get some new glasses for my humble "closet "

I feel pretty dumb .most of my family works in lighting in some capacity . It has never once occurred to aske them if they had some better shit .

She's looking at the internet lights going " 1000 watts for 100$ ? fuck is that shit.3000 fucking watts for 200? does this shit have a warranty for when you burn the house down ....china " the china lights shall begin their exodus .Don't really have anything negative to say about any that I have ( 100 watts from wall glixer is flipping rad ) . It was just neat how into it she was . Now I understand how unimpressed she had been with the room . I have to make good on mothers day. She likes fancy gin and gummies EASY