Neem oil


Really Active Member
I like Neem Oil, but usually I try to avoid using it during later in flower. I've had it add Neem flavor to finished product and people noticed. What brand did you use? I have Dyna and its strong smelling and thick.
If you continue to see problems and fresh damage Insecticidal soap may be a less flavorful option. Check into Thuricide as well.' good luck, looking very nice!


Self-Proclaimed Don Quixote
Ok, i did a bit of research way back and what i came up with is the reason why you should avoid using neem oil and use neemazal instead (or any other trusted neemazal formula).

The most important reason is the aflatoxin which most neem oil has. That is what makes people sick when they ingest the stuff. No matter how organic it is and how flashy their packaging is, aflatoxin is a real concern with neem oil. However water based extraction of azadirachtin compounds such as neemazal technical and organic, aflatoxin free vegetable oil suspension of the same stuff neemazal t/s are safer in that aspect.

Secondly neemazal doesn’t leave an after taste unlike neem oil and the vegetable oil used in neemazal t/s is more easily broken down compared to the neem oil. Thus it leaves less residue and doesn’t clog up the stomas which happens with straight up neem oil. Also since these are more concentrated than neem oil, you require less to get the same effect and that contributes to it being gentler to the plant. So thats what i found out about the differences between neem oil and neemazal.

With that being said, neem takes time. Azadirachtin doesn’t kill straight away, it inhibits feeding and reproduction in pests but it takes time. Tho the vegetable oil in neemazal or neem oil itself will suffocate the pests, the ones you missed will not die immediately just by eating the plant. Also i’m not sure how effective it is for caterpillars or slugs etc.

Additionally with neemazal a 7 day waiting period in average is suggested if i’m not mistaken but i never apply pesticides once its flowering. Tho indoors its easier to keep it pest free. But azadirachtin is not toxic to humans and its not recognized as a carcinogen or anything so thats kinda your call.

Hope this was helpful.


Really Active Member
Good info thanks. I hadn't read anything about aflatoxins in neem before. That's something I will definitely be looking into.
Neemazal is new to me as well. I knew there were several methods of extracting neem and its active ingredients, but had mainly seen the cold pressed oil or cake.
Water based is always a better option if available. Good stuff CrimsonEcho, appreciate the heads up on potential toxins.


Self-Proclaimed Don Quixote
Good info thanks. I hadn't read anything about aflatoxins in neem before. That's something I will definitely be looking into.
Neemazal is new to me as well. I knew there were several methods of extracting neem and its active ingredients, but had mainly seen the cold pressed oil or cake.
Water based is always a better option if available. Good stuff CrimsonEcho, appreciate the heads up on potential toxins.
You are welcome man. Most of the well known neem pesticides such as Azamax are made from NeemAzal Technical. An Indian company called Parrys produces the NeemAzal Technical and sells it to these guys. NeemAzal T/S is more available in Europe because its being produced by a German company, Trifolio-M GmbH, thats all.

Also i double checked and many species of caterpillars and worms are listed under targeted pests so thats good.


Super Active Member
Got a small problem with my buds. Week 3 flower and noticed some worm traces with a few leaves being eaten. So, I sprayed em down with Neem oil. Gave her a good once over. Anybody got anything to add on that one?
I'd avoid neem oil during flower for the reasons listed above. Use a product with BT to keep the caterpillars in check. Most say you can use them right up to harvest.


Ancient Member
I have used Neem Oil all my life so has my village
last I used neem oil was on my plants and the cats ears
last year on me I got pubic lice bugs gone in 2 days
I still add it to my weekly weekend curries along with weed some beer too

had you cured you product correctly neem oil smell
should have long dissapated by harvest and very much so
not noticed by the customer !

good luck