Need help first time chucker


Really Active Member
Best way?

I'd wear a mask unless you want sneezing fits.

Better safe than sorry, so use males that are confirmed male, "stress test" them to see if they produce female parts. By test I mean, mess with the lighting schedule, attempt a reveg a month into flowering(the males) by then they should be ready to drop pollen.

If they show no signs of intersex traits you can then pollenate them at the time they are dropping pollen, usually you want 5-7weeks for seeds to develop depending on the variety, so if you know the plant takes 10 weeks to finish, pollenate roughly 4-5 weeks Into flower to maximize seed production.

Make sure your plants have adequate root space, rootbound plants produce seeds at a slower rate, and fewer.

Is there something you specifically need to know?
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Fiddler's Green

Just a regular vato
I've had success keeping the males separated until they drop pollen on the leaves and then tilt the plant over a paper plate and tap the plant to catch the pollen. Then coat one end of a cotton swab with pollen and tap the pistles you want to pollinate. This usually happens around week two of flower.

Unless you want to open pollinate, then just leave the male in the tent with the fan on and he'll do his thing.

Good luck vato.