Montana voters have once again


Super Active Member
Here in Maine we had a Govenor who oppose it when it passed and that was 2016. Flashforward to 2020 and everything finally went online less than a month ago.

Burned Haze

Really Active Member
stupid fuckers, look at so many states that do this 6 plant counts and even you have to register your plants with them with the city or township or what not . it’s a plant and they already make so much from the commerical side ( how many peo[pe grow their own toboacco and do all the work and art, you can legally do it ) just like beer . they could easily make money off of even selling “plant tags“ and if you stay under 100-1000 tags ( a lot of people like to pheno hunt, who cares when modern day it’s going to be acres O and then sell the plant tag for a expensive price like 1-w0 bucks a piece and then if a cop or w/e finds you Don’t have real cards or no cards at all. Instead of imprisoning people ( we need to focus on other drugs and other things cause look at right now we are by % using cannabis as a fuel for that as a money source)

charge them per plant like 100-1000 bucks per plant fine , most people won’t want that fine and if it’s so abundant with cannabis like tobacco where the prices go down, majority of people are not going to compete with the commerical. Inless they want to get a micro business. And they should offer that? Just like beer and many biz’s

right now with on average 30-50% taxes, no banks, 6 plant count . the commerical weed is majority sold to non staters (which is really sad because look at how many big ag/facility’s are failing cause of scheme ) they need to allow completion not only this small amount of people and complicated scheme and no banks... if your a normal business man no wonder most won’t get in cannabis Inless it’s side cash

once federally “rec” allowed or legal , i bet they will have more guide lines for banks and something. This is retarded . what they wanted is a pill form and ownership of something they don’t own. And this is something that has been free for way before USA was here and we were alive and the whole world enjoys. Infact s we kinda made made the “war on drugs “ for cannabis
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