Insect frass


Ancient Member
Most use Bat poo here rather than insect shit...both can carry deadly pathogens .be warned
I prefer nettle teas for that extra minerals


I had about a 3/4 gallon of meal worm frass/chicken food waste. I keep them in chicken feed. They turn it to dust. Ive been topdressing my 25gal pots with it. The woms eat it i think. It pretty much disapears. I mix it in with grass clippings that are composting on the top. Also feed a little chicken feed in the top layer to to keep the worms happy. Seems to be working. This is G13Hp in 2/3 once used promix some amendments and worm 1/3 worm composte. Water and worm tea is all they get besides the frass and chivken feed. First time trying out the organic. So far its awsome. We’ll see how they finish. On early week 4.
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