Deeply rooted nursery

Main Cola

Chuckers Paradise
Just a warning to anybody that is planning on buying any clones from him. I would think twice about..better yet I would not buy or trade anything with him. He sold me a clone with pm on it and I heard of several other people getting pm from his cuts. So buyers beware It really screwed me over. I’m still fighting it but I got some good advice from @Heisenbeans that should take care of it but at a heavy cost. I’m going to loose all my mother plants 😵. I’m so upset you don’t even understand
That Powdery mildew that he has is super potent and it spreads like wildfire and so hard to get rid of and from what I understand he new he had it and still sold his cuts with it being on them 😡😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬. That’s so fucked up @DeeplyRooted