Beneficial plants to grow with cannabis?


Super Active Member
I heard of marigolds as an insect repellant

Marigolds – The marigold is probably the most well-known plant for repelling insects. French marigolds repel whiteflies and kill bad nematodes. Mexican marigolds are said to offend a host of destructive insects and wild rabbits as well. If you choose marigolds for your garden they must be scented to work as a repellant. And while this plant drives away many bad bugs, it also attracts spider mites and snails. source:


Insanely Active Member
Any plant you put in the same container will be competing for root space and nutrients
I found this quick guide
Some good companion plants there, but I wouldn't put mint or any other fast growing plants such as comfrey or borage near MJ plants. They will definitely compete with your canna for nutrients, mint is VERY invasive and hard to eradicate once well established!!! Keep it in containers and you're good tho.


Fennel on north side or behind your plants. Deer hate it, it's a biennial that reseeds so once it's planted you are good to go. Good camo, gets tall looks like Dill but lasts the season. Has real large yellow flower heads that bees love and they tend to droop in on your plants adding to the cover.


Ancient Member
I grew up with my moms Companion Planting guide
and have heaps of different plants around for defense work
the best for me is any Pellgonium, MaryGolds and Nasturtium's

any good ones you can eat or drink

off course theirs Chives Garlic etc

position of the plants is vital

good luck


Nice thread👌Carefull of any companion plants or cover crops that will go to seed and deposit on your buds. I bought crimson clover but multiple people say avoid. I'm going for Alfalpha & vetch unstead.


Insanely Active Member
Nice thread👌Carefull of any companion plants or cover crops that will go to seed and deposit on your buds. I bought crimson clover but multiple people say avoid. I'm going for Alfalpha & vetch unstead.
Alfalfa could be high maintenance, it will require regular trimming cos' it can get tall quickly in the right conditions ;) No experience with vetch.....................

I don't currently do the organic thing, but when I did, I found 'white' and especially 'micro'-clover to be the least of a PITAIMG_1077.JPG