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I was thinking "bait". The world is pissed at China, not just the US.
I wonder if and when all the Nations will gather at the "Great White Rabbit Wall" to keep the "eyes" on China from now on?
I've been screaming about our jobs being lost by the likes of Walmart and China's cheap ass "crap" that they sold. But, I never knew most of medication drugs came from China. WTF?
No one ever listened. I haven't been in a Walmart in over 10 years.


Just some asshole
I was thinking "bait". The world is pissed at China, not just the US.
I wonder if and when all the Nations will gather at the "Great White Rabbit Wall" to keep the "eyes" on China from now on?
I've been screaming about our jobs being lost by the likes of Walmart and China's cheap ass "crap" that they sold. But, I never knew most of medication drugs came from China. WTF?
No one ever listened. I haven't been in a Walmart in over 10 years.
Same here. I hate Walmart. Corporate greed is what pushes products to china

Watch that stupid shark tank show. First thing they mention is getting costs down and sending that shit to China to be made.


I don't know what will happen to this country.
Right now, people are getting a little taste of their freedoms getting choked.
If this all gets worse and worse., most people won't deal with it well. For me and folks like me, these times are really no different than our normal existence.
Toilet Paper, OMFG!
People were afraid of running out of TP.
Who heavily invested in TP?
Those are the very culprits who's behind this CVS of a possible world wide E.L.E.


Tegrity Greenthumb
I was thinking "bait". The world is pissed at China, not just the US.
I wonder if and when all the Nations will gather at the "Great White Rabbit Wall" to keep the "eyes" on China from now on?
I've been screaming about our jobs being lost by the likes of Walmart and China's cheap ass "crap" that they sold. But, I never knew most of medication drugs came from China. WTF?
No one ever listened. I haven't been in a Walmart in over 10 years.
People with serious illnesses buy drugs black market from china because of the shitbags who keep inflating prescriptions 20000% . It's dangerous but there are good suppliers who make the shit for pennies on the dollar and actually do good for people here who would die without their meds, or have to sell there house car and daughter for there next months prescription.


Tegrity Greenthumb
I don't know what will happen to this country.
Right now, people are getting a little taste of their freedoms getting choked.
If this all gets worse and worse., most people won't deal with it well. For me and folks like me, these times are really no different than our normal existence.
Toilet Paper, OMFG!
People were afraid of running out of TP.
Who heavily invested in TP?
Those are the very culprits who's behind this CVS of a possible world wide E.L.E.
Freedoms being choked? Lol. People should have really been choked. When a ant doesn't follow the colony and leads others astray they chew off its fucking head. These retards are out licking produce, and gathering in mass. I'm not one for martial law or imposing power but c'mon man. If you told me the world would be like this when I was a kid I would have lived a much different life. I'm utterly amazed and disappointed in our fellow man. All the companies and people "doing good" and coming together. A very slim portion of that is genuine imo.


Freedoms being choked? Lol. People should have really been choked. When a ant doesn't follow the colony and leads others astray they chew off its fucking head. These retards are out licking produce, and gathering in mass. I'm not one for martial law or imposing power but c'mon man. If you told me the world would be like this when I was a kid I would have lived a much different life. I'm utterly amazed and disappointed in our fellow man. All the companies and people "doing good" and coming together. A very slim portion of that is genuine imo.
All they know is they want to be a part of it. like the boy in War of the Worlds" with Tom Cruise when he is trying to get the boy from seeing what is on the other side of the hill where all the shits going on. lol
Yes, choked wasn't the right words to describe. lol


People with serious illnesses buy drugs black market from china because of the shitbags who keep inflating prescriptions 20000% . It's dangerous but there are good suppliers who make the shit for pennies on the dollar and actually do good for people here who would die without their meds, or have to sell there house car and daughter for there next months prescription.
In history, it was all about who run the 'Silk Road".


LED Recruiter
5200 DEAD this week in NY from coronavirus. That's 5200 that are listed, "die at homes" are not included.

New York state will adjust its COVID-19 death toll reporting to include presumed or probable cases in accordance with new CDC guidelines, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Wednesday. Numbers will be going up.

The navy had to remove 116 staff from the boat in USNS Mercy due to 7 coronavirus infections. They were all staff. So far the Mercy has treated 20 patients but removed 116 staff. Granted, with 20 patients they weren't doing to much.

Thank god for the military!

62 people have been treated on the Comfort. That is non-covid except that the navy messed up their own protocols and let positive patients aboard. Meanwhile, The NYC hospitals are jammed with 21000.

Thank god for the military.

Somebody should tell the military it's only fake news, especially if they are sick.

Hey, they have treated 275 to date in. the Javits Center. I don't know if all at once but at least that's only 72% vacancy on the beds.

Smithfield Meats has closed.........3 to 4 hundred sick with Covid. Somebody should call them and say it's only their imagination..get back to work.
That's 5% of the meat processed in the country. THEY'RE SHUT!
Just contacted my meat supplier. Thanks god for country living! I will be all set. Lots of ahit to do at the casa til work comes back around

High kev

Yankee seeds
5200 DEAD this week in NY from coronavirus. That's 5200 that are listed, "die at homes" are not included.

New York state will adjust its COVID-19 death toll reporting to include presumed or probable cases in accordance with new CDC guidelines, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Wednesday. Numbers will be going up.

The navy had to remove 116 staff from the boat in USNS Mercy due to 7 coronavirus infections. They were all staff. So far the Mercy has treated 20 patients but removed 116 staff. Granted, with 20 patients they weren't doing to much.

Thank god for the military!

62 people have been treated on the Comfort. That is non-covid except that the navy messed up their own protocols and let positive patients aboard. Meanwhile, The NYC hospitals are jammed with 21000.

Thank god for the military.

Somebody should tell the military it's only fake news, especially if they are sick.

Hey, they have treated 275 to date in. the Javits Center. I don't know if all at once but at least that's only 72% vacancy on the beds.

Smithfield Meats has closed.........3 to 4 hundred sick with Covid. Somebody should call them and say it's only their imagination..get back to work.
That's 5% of the meat processed in the country. THEY'RE SHUT!
And all of this while we are social distancing??? Could u imagine if people were just out and about doing anything? Well some still are but most are in hibernation


Just some asshole
Its cause we waited way too long. Everyone was already infected by the time they decided to do anything at all and accept it was an issue.
I don't think there was a reported death in the state I live in when the "hunker down" went into effect.
How did we wait too long?

Most affected areas are where people live on top of each other. That goes for the United States, as well as European countries where several generations might live in one house.

Nothing good comes from large concentrations of people.

Deleted member 60

You think your cool and it’s a ‘good fuckin deal’ that people are dying from this?
And your cool because your an atheist that doesn’t believe in God? You will one day.
No..i think "if you want the obvious, you;ll get the obvious". Better them...those that are gullible/looking elsewhere for answers besides within....and are brainwashed to the point they will KILL OTHERS to prove their "God" is real...than me. Fuck that. Yer fucked in the head if you believe any of that God shit. These same fucks refuse to believe in an INVISIBLE virus...yet...they waste their lives believing in an INVISIBLE "God"! (cus they believe he can DO something FOR them...LOFL) If you'll spread this virus freely to others in the "name of God", deserve what you get. 10 all paybacks.

If there is a God..we will talk about WHY he took my son. Fuckin cocksucker.... Shove that Fable up yer ass and go talk to Joel Olsteen about "sin", bitch....

He loves us all SO MUCH he sent the virus to clean house of his (stupid) peeps? Believe in that nugget for a bit and then tell me more about how you worship him blindly...

It's not about "cool". It's about responsibility.
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