The dope cave


Not a lot of new stuff going on in the garden. The big ladies are stretching and getting out of control I’ve been supercropping and tying them down to even out the canopy. I think after this run I’m just gonna do a few runs of small, single cola plants, high numbers. I got hella seeds to hunt through and too many breeding projects to get done. I’ve been slacking way too hard I swear I haven’t even seen pollen in a year at least lol. Between moving and having a baby and taking over management at work I’ve been sucking. I’m turning it around tho and my main focus from here on out (after the kid of course) is breeding, fuck my job lol.
2 boorilla and 1 ec91 clones after a spray, prune and torture session. 041D7A8C-4D7E-4DDB-B37E-0B138FE9389B.jpeg
Here’s that fan leaf comparison of the 2 boorilla clones.


Ec91 seed plant finishing up week 7. Starting to fade and just a few days ago started to chunk up. I can’t place the smell on her. She’s loud as shit until I try to smell her directly then it’s gone. I’m gonna upgrade my camera game soon cuz this iPhone camera is trash and really doesn’t do any justice.


All the rest of the solo cups got up potted to 1 or 2 gal fabric pots. They’ll chill in the clone/early veg area till I get backthe 2x4 is killing it. Sorry for the hps pic.D27BB04B-A40B-41A2-893D-41270D2D588C.jpeg
I got a couple mimosa runts but the rest are pretty close in size. They all got flipped a couple days ago. They got hella roots already.
the no tills are doing well, I think they have a minor calcium deficiency tho.
The ec91 is a bad bitch.She’s only got a couple weeks left and her fade is on point.

Capt C

Saltwater Cowboy
Heading out of town for a week in a couple hours. All the plants are self watered except the ec91. I’m gonna try the old upside down water bottle trick for her lol. I’ll turn the lights down before I leave and it’ll stay kinda cold in there so she shouldn’t drink too much while I’m gone.
Okay i am seeing something i am not sure what i am looking at. The white balls under the pot. Is that part of the roots?

Capt C

Saltwater Cowboy
Heading out of town for a week in a couple hours. All the plants are self watered except the ec91. I’m gonna try the old upside down water bottle trick for her lol. I’ll turn the lights down before I leave and it’ll stay kinda cold in there so she shouldn’t drink too much while I’m gone.
I know it's to late for this time but Blumat makes some of the self waterers. They have one you hook like a 2 litter soda bottle to.


I got really lucky this time too. I was just praying that one of these boorilla cuts would root before I left and BAM this morning I had roots on one. I got her in a solo with a good watering and she should be solid till I get back. The other cuts I just buried the peat plugs in perlite with water in the tote same as the others and it seems to be keeping them moist. Hopefully doesn’t give me any issues but I got a rooted clone if it does so we’re all good. I’m gonna let the boorilla go actually to move on to newer stuff but this clone will be seeded up before I let her go.

Capt C

Saltwater Cowboy
I got really lucky this time too. I was just praying that one of these boorilla cuts would root before I left and BAM this morning I had roots on one. I got her in a solo with a good watering and she should be solid till I get back. The other cuts I just buried the peat plugs in perlite with water in the tote same as the others and it seems to be keeping them moist. Hopefully doesn’t give me any issues but I got a rooted clone if it does so we’re all good. I’m gonna let the boorilla go actually to move on to newer stuff but this clone will be seeded up before I let her go.
You headed out on business or vacation? Interesting set up with the perlite and water. Hope everything looks good when you get back.


You headed out on business or vacation? Interesting set up with the perlite and water. Hope everything looks good when you get back.
Unwanted vacation lol. Thanksgiving at the old ladies grandpas house in Oklahoma. I’m sure everything will be great except for the clones. I’ve never done this with clones and I’m not 100% sure it’ll be okay lol. But everything else loves the sips it’s hydro growth with organic quality they love it.
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Deleted member 60

The root plugs in perlite trick will work for you. Should hold water for weeks at a time. I used that method with the Chem D cut because it always took like 3-4 weeks to fuckin root. I'd always let the plugs get too dry devised that perlite in the tray method and then had really good success. You just had to be uber-patient....

Takin the edibles to Grandpa's I assume? LOL