Domestic Terrorism

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a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Jesus Christ that woman worked till she was 89. I feel like a fucking turd. I have a feeling these crybabies have never worked.

So she was born a slave. Guess she probably started working at the age of 8. I was not around back then but I did listen in history class. So she worked for 80 years. Bet you didn’t hear her crying about being oppressed........
I'm a lazy fuck. I worked my ass off while young, and picked a profession where I could retire young and continue to be a lazy fuck :)


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Seriously though, my 'white privilege was that no one gave me shit but a roof, clothes, food, and a work ethic. If I wanted a toy I earned the money and bought it.

I found a job as a construction helper for $5/hr at 13 because mowing yards since age 10 was monotonous. But the time I graduated high school I was making $12/hr, could read blueprints and build a house from bare dirt to the shingles. Only reason I didn't stick with that was the fact that it was seasonal. Left that at age 17 and never looked back.

Kids today rarely have a work ethic - and want the gubmint to give them free shit. Kids need to learn to lose with dignity instead of everyone getting a trophy, Kids need to be rewarded for hard work. Allowances suck. That's a welfare check. Pay them per job. My parents were lower middle class. They kept a piece of paper on the fridge that was like a bank account. Do a chore, money gets added to the 'account'.

Took a while to figure out why I couldn't 'cash out' whenever I wanted, but they made good. This started at about age 5-6 with a nickel for taking out the trash - shit like that.

Deleted member 60

What a Rally! what a riot!

Ah....... those kids today. Always wanting free stuff....always on the phone....always outthinking their elders and buying up tickets and stuff with their free cash handouts....LOFL.

Funny how only 9,000 showed up. BLUE (empty) seats everywhere. LOFL.

Could it be that the "kids" who want the "free shit" are gonna take the toddler out come November like they did with the tickets for this "Rally"?

Not the sparse attendance at his inauguration...the King says the protesters ("bad people" in King speak) blocked everyone from getting in. Where was the (ONE MILLION!) camo hatted TRUMP ARMY? (at the concession stand, naturally) He can't be saying that the tough guys in his Camo hats couldn't control the MOB...could he? I thought that the $35 hat crowd were gonna take out those "bad people". Guess not, huh?

Maybe it's cus nobody showed up?

Oh...and here's that sandwich someone ordered. This was the featured sandwich at the Tulsa Rally.

Don ate 3. EXTRA "Mayo", of course. I think they might have a few leftover if ya wanna grab a sack.


Another rousing (make believe) success in the life of a (make believe) successful man....

But those "radical protesters" kept everyone out...... Must have been Antifa paid by Soros. Yup. Did you see the MOB?

Me neither. LOFL.

Deleted member 60

Most of 'em are getting their $1200 AND unemployment AND MEDICAID (and some get Military handouts on top of that)......and are making more now than they ever did "working". Some of em are right here typing...yup.

SHHHHHHHHhhh. don't say nothin'.... then be sure to YELL LOUDLY

"But those illeguls"!!! they get free stuff and shit...."

Highland Rogue

Really Active Member
Let's be real. No one can send $1200 better than he can. No one, ever. People have tried and they failed.

View attachment 62255

The irony of "stimulus money" is when they do it, they devalue the existing money that people already have thru currency expansion. When you increase the supply of a given thing, the value per unit will go down. Same result whether it's an expansion of supply of weed or dollars. Inflation, the hidden tax.

Then "the people" get it added to their collective bill (debt) and get taxed to pay the interest on the money "increase". Free money isn't free.

The people getting paid the interest are laughing. It's sort of like selling crack to known addicts while creating more addicts by "giveaways" to get
more people hooked.



a.k.a. Rusty Nails
What a Rally! what a riot!

Ah....... those kids today. Always wanting free stuff....always on the phone....always outthinking their elders and buying up tickets and stuff with their free cash handouts....LOFL.

Funny how only 9,000 showed up. BLUE (empty) seats everywhere. LOFL.

Could it be that the "kids" who want the "free shit" are gonna take the toddler out come November like they did with the tickets for this "Rally"?

Not the sparse attendance at his inauguration...the King says the protesters ("bad people" in King speak) blocked everyone from getting in. Where was the (ONE MILLION!) camo hatted TRUMP ARMY? (at the concession stand, naturally) He can't be saying that the tough guys in his Camo hats couldn't control the MOB...could he? I thought that the $35 hat crowd were gonna take out those "bad people". Guess not, huh?

Maybe it's cus nobody showed up?

Oh...and here's that sandwich someone ordered. This was the featured sandwich at the Tulsa Rally.

Don ate 3. EXTRA "Mayo", of course. I think they might have a few leftover if ya wanna grab a sack.

View attachment 62254

Another rousing (make believe) success in the life of a (make believe) successful man....

But those "radical protesters" kept everyone out...... Must have been Antifa paid by Soros. Yup. Did you see the MOB?

Me neither. LOFL.
RSVP's aren't tickets - nothing was affected. Look at the crowd outside and have a nice day. You think you changed their mind? You reinforced their dedication to destroy you. Oh - then there's this "rally"


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The irony of "stimulus money" is when they do it, they devalue the existing money that people already have thru currency expansion. When you increase the supply of a given thing, the value per unit will go down. Same result whether it's an expansion of supply of weed or dollars. Inflation, the hidden tax.

Then "the people" get it added to their collective bill (debt) and get taxed to pay the interest on the money "increase". Free money isn't free.

The people getting paid the interest are laughing. It's sort of like selling crack to known addicts while creating more addicts by "giveaways" to get
more people hooked.

View attachment 62256
When Bush did it you had to claim it as income on the following years taxes. I don't think that's the plan this year.

You're mostly right, except for the part where the corrupt ass-hats in Congress were going to spend that money somewhere. In this particular instance I got my money back instead of some conglomerate organization promising to fix shit.

The thing overlooked in a lot of the economic predictions is the trade imbalance that has been corrected, along with the reduction in foreign aid and bribes to countries that shout "death to America", and the reduction of corporate taxes to make manufacturing in America a viable option.

Which creates jobs, which creates revenue, which even when taxed at the lower individual rate brings in more money that higher taxes with fucking loopholes where the people that can afford tax lawyers can get out of paying a dime - except to the tax lawyers.

The dem know this, which is why they are doing everything they can to keep the economy down until November - not happening.


Who is this Disco Inferno semen spewing cunt anyway. Hey fuckwad I'll see You and Your kind real soon , with My 18 inch Confederate D Guard Bowie on My Hip while I piss on Your Antifa and BLM signs and screw Your ugly 1/2 Sister. Fuck You Buddy . Everyone is a racist and you are all victims , Ok I am real damn good at creating victims , tremendous at it even. Call Me whatever pathetic overused slogans You want , See no way can I be a racist , I hate most everybody and the few People I really like are of every color under the Sun. Kiss My Rebel Dick Disco and the rest of You cancel culture race baiting Communist pussies . Now one of You fucks make Me a god damn sandwich . Fuck Off.
Do you perform somewhere live??
I really like your stand up act.. You are natural born entertainer !!!
I thout That labeling me Ustasa (and now you label me antifa lol) was peak od humor in here,but you top that..

And all of cult like fag boys liking you comment?? lololololo..


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
We need term limits so that purchasing politicians becomes a non-starter.
They need to receive a minimum salary, and no fucking pension for that short term in office.
They need to stop referring to them as our "leaders". They are representatives - who represent whomever pays the most in campaign contributions. or gives the best insider trading tips, etc.

Deleted member 60

A BIGLY crowd. Most came dressed as blue seats.

the King gives a "Heil" to his many fans

While outside...the crowds build...just as they did for the inauguration in Jan 2017. So much so they were taking the stage down while the King was still inside, lying to his stooges.

200620185630-trump-tulsa-outdoor-overflow-event-live-video.jpg affect at all. Nobody cares as it is. A "Rally" isn't going to change the fact that Don is on his way OUT.

In CUFFS. "MAGA!" Get the clown out....and the rest of the Tiny Hand circus as well....

And the next "Rally" is WHEN? LOL. In Selma?


Super Active Member
A BIGLY CROWD? Is that what that was? I thought it was a reunion of the cast of the locals from the movie Deliverance. The only thing missing was the banjo playing in the background.


Jesus Christ that woman worked till she was 89. I feel like a fucking turd. I have a feeling these crybabies have never worked.

So she was born a slave. Guess she probably started working at the age of 8. I was not around back then but I did listen in history class. So she worked for 80 years. Bet you didn’t hear her crying about being oppressed........
......worked for 80

When you look at what this woman accomplished, as a woman, as a black women, as a person and considering the era, she was nothing short of amazing. She should really be held up as an example for others to emulate but instead she'll be desecrated and forgotten.
Put a little "did you know" blurb on the label and educate people is a better answer than taking her picture off.


Hobby Farmer
Nancy Green was like a Paul Harvey show.
View attachment 62206
Now you know the rest of the story

But the next generation will not.

Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.
Those who intentionally erase history INTEND to repeat it.
well me an uncle ben millionaire and i will let that one go too.

Otherwise...hang em at a trump rally or something......the boxes of rice of course. in protest. If you pour hot water on it it will expand and become a horrible ha ha ha!

I really should have weighed that hunk of decarbbed hash before i ate it...
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