Organic Grower


Insanely Active Member
Hey all. I guess I consider myself a hippie when it comes to growing. I’ve been at this for 3 years now and I’ve learned much across multiple forums and research articles as well. I have found scientific evidence from smart researchers conducting study on soil bacteria and fungi. It turns out nature’s way is the best way, especially if you just want to add water and end up with super healthy plants. I know hesitant people not willing to give up on their synthetic grows, because they fear giving up what they know works. I encourage you to get out of your comfort zone because nowadays, supersoil is being premixed by several companies that are high quality enough to get you through a full 4 month grow (depending on container size). Nature’s living Organics, KISS, KIND soil, and coast of Maine canna are some I have seen, and had great results with nature’s living soil concentrate. Currently I am using coast of Maine, and so far it is superior to nature’s living Organics cost wise. If you want to check it out I will be posting a grow journal in the next few minutes and adding the link to my signature. The pic below is day 32 veg.CF471FF6-BB97-4FBF-99BF-2BC2D0C81F99.jpeg

Thanks to anyone who read this, and happy growing. It’s good to be here.


Insanely Active Member
DET you made it! Welcome to paradise bro. Now Let’s see that budporn
Good looks, seems like this forum is very friendly and involved already.

Welcome to Chuckers. Always good to see and hear more on organic growing.
Nice look Iooking plants.
Thanks, but I’ll Let the microbes take credit ;)

Welcome. Sounds like some good stuff to come. I'll look up your journal and subscribe.
Hey I appreciate that! Let’s all learn together.