The James Gang


I like tents for veg, they seem to flourish for me and my lighting setup, (I have tossed my tents away. light leaks)
but for flower, I like an open room for plenty of air circulation and less crowding.
I built a "fluted" aluminum floor "school bleachers" type set up. 16" or 20" slope, with minimum 4ft to the wall or expanded to 6ft. Length is 8ft.
I really like it so far.
Solved the problem of growing "non typical" plants and still create an even canopy without having plants stacked on stands.
There are water gutters every 4 to 5" made by the flutes on the al panels. I have a row of ceramic tile set in each gutter. 3 gal pots can be lined up end to end plus the pot can be angled by the tile sliding in the gutter making a sort of terrace.
I still have to sort a few minor things out. First time using it.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I like tents for veg, they seem to flourish for me and my lighting setup, (I have tossed my tents away. light leaks)
but for flower, I like an open room for plenty of air circulation and less crowding.
After I got decent at this I quit checking tents for leaks. Veg don't matter and I keep the flower tents in a dark bedroom. Using the whole room then there's more light issues. I like having the smaller micro-climates feeding from the same lung room. It's easier to dial one in for specific needs, like my problem children getting less light while the others don't suffer.

I like the 4x4 because it's hard to crowd, the 3.5x3.5 you can get nine 5g, but onlt four 7g. with some spare space. I have a wall niche that is set back far enough for the 40" x 40" tent but not a 48" x 48". Towards the beginning ot this thread I had that space built out with a homemade door and such to go with the closet. Tents are much easier.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The two tabletop tents are working out fine. The new 2x2 is a real piece of shit but it was cheap and I just need it to sit there LOL
When I clone, I use the scalpel to tap the stem a few times and scar it. I noticed on the top right one I must have gone a bit high
I think having fresh aloe in the soak water while I was waiting to cube everything worked well
I think they will root ;) I use the cubes upside down so the top is nice and sturdy,
and the bottom can get some air and callous over


I still have the two headline in veg to get a little more bulk but I flipped the Muttzarella in the 7g and the 5 Xmas Bud to join the 10 other 1g's


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I took two that had the established root-knuckle and some stubbies and broke the cube off and stuck them in soil. I hate the cubes but they work, and none of the roots were long enough to break. I took one of the lowest cuttings that was in a smaller cube, and the one with the roots innthe air.
I mixed half castings and half seed starter soil so it has some nutrient value in there.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Culled 7 males so far from the 15 plant flip. I have one "female" that has a pointy bit instead of a round bit, but no pistils anywhere yet.
I am going to make a ferment with the males, roots and all. That will be for future veg feedings. I also had a single top-nanner on the Comet Fuel (ChemD x 707 OG) I plucked it and misted the top with water and we watch. One more and shes history. She is front center in this tent
I have a few of the taller plants I may need to harvest based on time and not pistils. The Sour puss is one.
New stuff everywhere, also lots of ambers and milk.
I lollipopped the Chemdog


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The rest of the stuff. Down to 2 of each strain from the flip, but only one probable girl. I flipped the two Headline tonight. I topped them at the up-pot and they have 8 limbs each.
Two of the Chemdog clones looked like shit, the remaining 4 get pots in the morning. the seedlings have no heat mat and the low vents open, all good but one T-star is slow to show the forst seed-leaves. And the aloe and two Chicago Fig trees from Baker Creek


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Doing this backwards today. I hopefully culled the last of the males from the most recent flip. Sausage fest on the Xmas Bud, and the second Dogma is still a maybe - but there's pistils on two CLHP crosses and a Trinity cross. a 20% female ratio is actually better than I was expecting on the Trinity x OG. I have 100 of those left though. What sucks is that only the Dogma has limbs. the rest are sequoia's with the little t-rex arm limbs. Only way to clone them would be to take the tops now. This is the chart for veg and which regs end up girls.
Initially I'll have whether it's 'R' or 'F' (reg or fem) then change the letters as they apply. I planned to take flower clones on most but only the Dogma looks viable.
the 'x' is a dud. When I see the all-dud pair it goes on the list to drop a bigger batch soon. No sense saving duds, and counting on them.
the 'M' are males but the little 'm' on the T-star seedling is a mutant. I seem to get lots of those.

I am also watering tonight which meant the ones I was gonna chop on the 21st may as well go now. They'll get soaked then set out of the tents in the dark-ish room until morning or later. Both of the 11-weekers are gone, and at least three of the 10-weekers.

Now I have to work. Pics later


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Oh, and the Comet Fuel that showed a top nanner two days ago showed more today so it's salve. 37 days from flip with nice frost and puffballs.

I'll have a new batch of pots tomorrow to reamend and let rest for a few weeks. I scratch the craft blend and other stuff into the mulch and pull any greenery then water it in and cover it with a plant saucer. The cannabis roots will decompose back to the solo-cup size rootball in about 2 weeks. Then I pull them and put several pots at a time in the mixer.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Only thing left to do is up-pot the new girls, but I'd rather the Dogma show herself and do them all at once. The three known ones get 7g and will probably be in the tall girl closet soon.
It is getting empty - the Girl Scout Breath is just in there finishing.
The rest are here, but everythning will get reorganized after the other tent is potted. the 5g pots fit in this 4x4 better.
There are 5 to hang tomorrow.
Veg is consolidated for now, clones and seeds
One of the little pots will be the new Chemdog mom.
These only have one hiccup
Probably a cull


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I think the next clone I'll be taking will be the Dirty Taxi. That is such a phenominal high I'll be waiting to take veg clones off the three seedlings - no more flower clones in the plan. I need to want to clone it.

The Headline is the most recent superstar that I'll clone eventually, but I still have 20+ fems to run. About the last 7-10 (a pack) I'll start hunting, unless I see the germ rate go down then it's a pack drop and clone everything. The Headline I just harvested did not have the meaty/umami profile and it is a short shrub compared to the first one. It is very chemically astringent and nose-burning. If I love it that make two pheno's to keep, but the two I just flipped both have that same short bushy structure so it may be the dominant phenotype and I may have to hunt.

Other than those three everything else is waiting on smoke reports then I hunt the rest of the pack. If I lose a unicorn, oh well...


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
These 4 pots were left outside covered with a thick layer of leaves all winter. The two lush green ones are raspberry that I need to get into the ground. The other two are blueberry bushes that are probably fine as is. I thought all 4 were dead last fall.
The tall one had a runner that was on a thick woody stem instead of being flexible. I 'supercropped' it then shaved some bark off and stuck it in the little pot to see if it'll root. I put a hook in a stainless wire and used it to hold the bend in the plant under the soil then covered it. Kind of like air-layering cloning from a live plant, but berries do that anyway.
My peas are mostly like those along the fence. The mound of celery will probably stay there until it dies off. The horehound by the rock is what they used to flavor cough syrup and gum back in the day. I haven't harvested enough to mess with yet. The cover crop is coming in well, and I intend to just plant tomatoes and peppers in it without disturbing much.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Here's the last thing I use the spreadsheet for - easy calculations. I have the wet weight and the day I chopped. Tomorrow (day 7) I'll get a weight for everything and see which are close to their 30% mark. Those that are will get weighed 2-3 times a day depending on how much weight they are still losing. Prior to them hitting that 25% weight they should reach a balance with the humidity level in the tent. Once I see them weigh the same twice in a row they usually get bucked. If I can keep the tent humidity higher than the cedar wardrobe I may leave them in to cure hanging until I need the tent.
Of note, that little Platty Ice was one of the heaviest plants. hoodathunkit?